Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Guessing Game

The lax mom. The treehugger. The democrat. The republican. The war veteran. The student. The grandpa. Let's face it: we all play that game where we guess who is driving in front of us. Well, at least I do. It's fun, and not to toot my own horn, but most of the time I'm spot on.

What determines the final conclusion in my book? Car color, style, brand, stickers, magnets, license plate, and overall driving skill (just to name a few). So based upon these characteristics, I can somewhat accurately pinpoint the driver.

So, let's practice.

I'll start with my vehicle of choice: Goldish Jeep Cherokee, Ocean City sticker, Virginia Tech sticker, Roxy sticker, swimming and runner magnets for my school, and a 13.1 magnet.

Let's dissect the data. I drive an SUV-like vehicle, so I'm probably not very small or short. The OC sticker represents that I probably go to the beach a lot, and might have a job or place there. VT means that I might go there, or I have a relative there. Roxy means I'm definitely a girl, and is probably has a direct correlation to spending time at the beach. My high school magnets mean that I'm obviously still in high-school and am on the swim and cross country teams. Last but not least, the 13.1. Now, a lot of newbs might not how the significance of such a number. For those who don't, it is the milage of a half-marathon. Usually, a runner wouldn't put something on their vehicle that they've done only once, so it could be assumed that I've run a half-marathon more than once.

See, look at all that info. Just from the back of a car.Oh, and yeah, I drive kinda fast so I'm probably a kid.

Your turn. Yellow Subaru. Co-exist sticker. I love my cockerspaniel. License plate from Vermont. Skiing sticker. Bike rack on the roof. Obama 2012 sticker. Make love, not war.

Might I add that this Subaru is out there in the real world. And I had the pleasure of driving behind it's slow sunshine bumper the whole way home the other day. I'm not going to say my assumption of this driver, because it might be a bit offensive. I was peeved, what can I say.

Enjoy your driving and keep on guessing.

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